Joseph has been assisting me in the past few shoots and came over today for some test shots, as I had recently purchased another AB800. We tested some lighting setups and quite liked the output! All were shot @ f/6.3 and 1/125 sec shutter speed on a Canon 5DII.
Christina came over today for a quick headshot – a great excuse to practice more lighting. First image was shot with a Canon 5DII and a 70-200 mm f/4L @ 105mm and f/9. Beauty dish up and slightly camera right feathered slightly with a large softbox below (think clamshell). Reflector camera left to add highlights to the hair. This next image was also shot with a Canon 5DII and a 70-200 mm f/4L. It was created @ 94mm and f/9. Same […]
Back with a few more pictures with Christina, this time in varying degrees of purple. I played around with the idea of giving her a purple undertone to her hair in the first image and think it works. Images were taken with a Canon 5DII and Sigma 85 f/1.4 @ ISO 100, f/4.5, 1/125s lit with two AB800s – one with a beauty dish and the other with a large softbox.
I had the pleasure of photographing an old friend today and the results were stunning and very dramatic. Most of the images were only color corrected – the fourth image had exposure and curve masks applied. Images were taken with a Canon 5DII and Sigma 85 f/1.4 @ ISO 100, f/3.2-4.5, 1/125s lit with two AB800s – one with a beauty dish and the other with a large softbox.
I’ve spent a good number of my Tuesday nights in the past two or three years at the Soundry’s open mic. It’s more laid back and is more geared towards music appreciation and having a good time than anything else. Not only is the staff friendly and their coffee awesome, their mango smoothies are pretty amazing as well. Here are some shots from the past two weeks – this past week being the Official Yuri’s Night World Space Party open […]
Went to Lake Accotink with Marisa today – all images straight OOC except for a bit of touch-up, WB and dodge/burn on the third one (a reflector would’ve helped!). It’s always humbling to find yourself in perfect natural light. Comparing the amount of money and time we spend on lighting equipment and the effortless way in which nature works really puts things into perspective.
Hey all! It’s been a super busy few days! WE DID IT! We were able to raise (as of right now) $6,500 for pediatric cancer research this past Sunday by shaving our heads! The “Be Brave and Shave” event was a ton of fun and very personally fulfilling. Here are the before and after pics (click each for big)! Click here for flash link to all of the pictures below! Before! After! A million thanks to all of our friends, families, […]
Hope everybody has been doing well and is keeping busy! Halloween has come and gone – another five costumes this year at the clinic! Did a charity shoot for Life with Cancer‘s Teen Halloween Party, where Marisa read palms and gave fortunes! Last but not least, a couple of coworkers and I will be shaving our heads this weekend for the 2nd Annual Be Brave and Shave event! The money raised through this event goes towards cancer research at Children’s […]
This post comes a bit late but I’ve definitely been busy juggling work, school, and shooting! I took this picture a while back during former Miss Virginia’s visit to our clinic. It was actually a candid that I was able to capture – the planets definitely aligned on this one. The expressions, placement, and lighting (580 EX II bounced off ceiling) all made for a great image. A few weeks after taking the picture and sharing it with those involved […]