
Tag : Wallpaper

17 Apr 2012

Farewell, OV-103

Today was the final flight of Space Shuttle Discovery. Piggybacked (well… technically “mated” with o__o) on a modified Boeing 747, Discovery left Kennedy Space Center at daybreak and made a journey around D.C. before finally landing at Washington-Dulles International Airport. Discovery‘s final destination will be in the most excellent Smithsonian Udvar-Hazy Center where it will replace the Space Shuttle Enterprise (which had actually never been in space… long story). I arrived at the Udvar-Hazy Center around 8:30 a.m. and joined […]

04 Oct 2011

Welcoming the Fall

The weather’s changin’ and the leaves will soon follow suit. Here are a few photos taken here and there to celebrate the coming change. Click on each for the larger version! This photograph was taken at  Maymont Park in Richmond, Virginia, though it seems as if it could have been taken from the other side of the globe. Maymont is a 100-acre property that is open to the public and is incredibly beautiful. There are multiple personalities to the property […]

09 Sep 2011

Point of Rocks, MF Style

My new favorite way to spend time alone is to throw my medium format gear into the car and drive until I figure out where I want to be. The next time you find yourself at home with nothing to do (or even worse… spending your time doing nothing worthwhile!) consider going for a drive with a camera. It is surprisingly liberating and I promise that you will rediscover your sense of adventure. Point of Rocks is a beautiful and […]

01 Sep 2011

Annandale Community Park

As many of you may know, I have been doing a good amount of my time lately working on personal projects. On Monday I challenged myself to go out with a single roll of 120 for thirty minutes and to come back happy with all ten exposures. I went to Annandale Community Park in Annandale, Virginia. I chose this park because of its heavy tree cover, the direction of the sun in the afternoon, and because of its size. Though […]

06 Apr 2011

Spring is Back

The daffodils are here!

04 Apr 2011

Fountainhead Regional Park

Marisa and I have been hiking every week for the past two months or so. It’s a great way to exercise, relieve stress, enjoy nature, bond, and find photo-ops! It is simply amazing the things you’d miss if you didn’t take the time to look around.

17 Mar 2011

Burnt Mills Dam

I had a class in Silver Spring, Maryland this past Tuesday and made note of a very scenic dam off of Colesville Road. I definitely made a point to stop and take a few snaps on the way home. These shots are of Burnt Mills Dam, which is a part of the Rachel Carson Greenway Trail. Shot with a 5DII and 17-40 f/4 L with B+W circular polarizing and ND8 filters. Please feel free to click on each image to view […]