As many of you may know, I have been doing a good amount of my time lately working on personal projects. On Monday I challenged myself to go out with a single roll of 120 for thirty minutes and to come back happy with all ten exposures.
I went to Annandale Community Park in Annandale, Virginia. I chose this park because of its heavy tree cover, the direction of the sun in the afternoon, and because of its size. Though it is big enough to be able to shoot in privacy and not catch anyone in the exposure, it is small enough that one could walk around all areas with relative ease (quite important when you are carrying 20+ lbs of camera gear!).
All images were shot with a Mamiya RB67 SD-Pro on Kodak Portra 400 film. The 120 negatives were scanned with an Epson V500. These are the images uncropped and unaltered other than a bit of curves, color temperature management, and a bit of dodge and burn.
In terms of theme, I went for one of childlike exploration and wonder, where each step takes you somewhere you’ve never been and something incredible is always just around the corner or over the next hill.
Here are the images, from the first to the last frame. Click for big. Was I successful? You be the judge!