A few weeks ago I finally decided to indulge and buy a medium format kit. After careful consideration I decided to go with a Mamiya RB67 SD-Pro. With its rotating back, workhorse status, and inexpensive lenses this body really, truly delivers.
I have spent a lot of my personal time walking and shooting in Burke Lake Park – it’s calm and peaceful and there are rarely any people who will question or interrupt you.
Here are some images, scanned with an Epson V500. The full size images are mind-numbingly huge at 4983×6176 pixels. The 6×7 cm negatives are something to respect and at nearly $2/shot (roll + dev cost) it has really made me think before even considering releasing the shutter.
It somehow seems…morose
How so? I’m not agreeing or disagreeing, I would actually love your input! Those who know me know what has been going on in my life and I’d like to think that it has an effect on my photography. My photos are an extension of myself, yeah? Thanks for the comment!